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Daína Chaviano (Author)


Report on a Reading
at the 25th ICFA

Author: Philip E. Kaveny

Source: Midwest Book Review (USA, Volume 3, Number 4, 2004).

As I do this I will do her the favor of not lumping her in with catch-all class that Americans have come to refer to as fantastic realists, as they apply it to Latin writers. That was the first thing I liked about her. She has what I would call a concise and intense use of the English Language; her diction has a refreshing quality to it. So, when she positions herself with the 19th Century Gothic Tradition I think she knows what she is talking about. [...] As she read her two stories she had my full attention. I was looking hard for 
polemic, cliché, and for that matter sentimentality. Instead a got range fire and beauty, love for freedom all wrapped up in a little story about a wizard who gives life to a dragon from the first smile a joyless child has had in six months, and then sends the dragon off into the world knowing he can not own it. I consider a writer important when they can make me like the sort of story that I usually do not. (Complete text in PDF).