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Daína Chaviano (Author)


Writing Is Not Her Profession,
It Is Her Obsession

Author: Flor García

Source: Tabasco Hoy (Mexico, 2014).

When Daína Chaviano visited Mexico on October 2014, as the honored author at the Tabasco University Book Fair, Tabasco Hoy newspaper published this interview:

Daína Chaviano began writing stories when she was nine years old. She liked to invent them, one could say she is a narrator by nature, or perhaps, as she assured, by genetics, if that is possible, since her maternal grandfather (whom she never met because he died when her mother was very young) was a journalist and poet.

"My father says that as soon as I learned my first words, I started to make up stories. I believe that fiction and I were a predestined marriage from the cradle," said the writer of Cuban origin, honored at FULTABASCO 2014, in an interview.

Because of that, when the Cuban government banned all fantasy and fairy tales, the small child suffered, but her response was to create more stories that mitigated a bit the hunger that the absence of fairies had left in her generation... (Complete text in PDF).